II Bhavani_Lifestyle II
👳 Hello friends ...👱👳👲Good Morning all of you.. 
   II Your's Bhavani ...2023 II

Why should explore alone ?

Travelling is a wonderful experience who explore frequently in various cities or states or countries yourself which is help you to learn lot of things from meet new peoples and explore culture and our planet of history also.

How is your perfect destiny if you travel alone?

Yes this is our perfect destiny to us for relaxing anytime or anywhere.. if we won't make travelings we lose God wound-rings.

Traveling can help you to know about our planet and avoid terrific things in your life and we have more scope if we make travels in this world.

Exploring alone under budget  :

  1. Take more week days for make trip 
  2. Planning your choice of places before visit 
  3. Make Money management in low budget ..
  4. Do visa process online along with insurance.
  5. Book Flight tickets on the date of boarding or 3 moths before.
  6. Should know about living hood places...
  7. Choose least budget dormitories or hotels or home stays through serf _couch.
  8. Add more friends through social media, They help us when randomly visit places..etc.

Why Self-Love Fails Us..
  • 1) We all know we’re supposed to love ourselves. Right? And it’s through loving ourselves that we learn how to love others  unconditionally. Right? So we work on replacing self-criticisms with  self-praise, and learn to accept  gratefully those chunky cellulite-ridden thighs only to discover it’s not working.
  • 2]Even if you’ve done a lot of spiritual and personal work, does this  version of unconditional love actually  sustain you? Or do you still  find yourself craving recognition from your partner, boss, the world-  at-large?
  • 3]Are you able to at the very moment your partner/kid/co-worker  does that thing that you really, really hate love them  unconditionally like you think you’re supposed to?
  • We won’t ever find it by focusing on what we need to change about  ourselves: the negative thoughts to overcome, the imperfections we  must learn to love. Working on self (even to create positive change)  is NOT  the same as loving the self.

